Reign Together
Tips for Looking and Feeling Great as Pandemic Restrictions Lift

Tips for Looking and Feeling Great as Pandemic Restrictions Lift

by Cheryl Conklin

Given the challenging year of self-isolation and strict pandemic restrictions, it’s important to find ways to focus on self-care. Whether you’re venturing back out into the world or staying close to home as restrictions lift, there are plenty of ways to look and feel your best, whether it’s buying a new outfit, starting a healthier diet, or treating your skin to massage oil from Reign Together.

Buy some new clothes

While it may seem trivial, buying new clothes can be a major source of joy for many. A new, stylish pair of leggings, for example, will help boost confidence as you head back out into the world for social gatherings. Even if you’re not ready to venture out of the house, consider getting a new comfortable nightgown that will make you look and feel great at home

As you’re considering what type of outfit will help you feel great, there are a few factors to think about. Comfort is essential; if you aren’t comfortable in your clothes, you’ll lose all confidence. Research shows that our clothing affects our cognitive performance, meaning that uncomfortable clothing can actually be distracting and cause you to lose focus.

Focus on healthy eating

Healthy eating is an excellent way to boost your overall well-being on a daily basis. However, for those who are at risk for COVID-19 complications, it can be difficult to get to the grocery store. While many grocery chains have special shopping hours that are meant to cater to vulnerable populations, getting to the store in time to take advantage of those hours could be hard for some.

One way to avoid dealing with grocery store visits is by subscribing to a meal delivery or grocery service in your area. Meal delivery services can offer lighter, low-calorie options so you can continue to focus on healthy eating. Be sure to compare delivery services and read customer reviews to find options that are both affordable and easy to use.

Get active

Along with eating healthier, it’s important to get enough exercise to feel mentally and physically healthy. Exercise has the power to elevate both your mood and your energy levels, so try to incorporate some form of exercise on a daily basis. Raising your heart rate with cardio exercise helps move oxygen and blood to your muscles and is great for your cardiovascular health.

For many people, cardio is synonymous with running, but it doesn’t have to be: there are plenty of lower-impact cardio exercises that still get your heart rate up. Other options for cardio include walking, cycling, swimming, and elliptical training. 

Another great exercise that you can do at home is yoga. Yoga has multiple health benefits, from helping lower stress levels to improving joint health and increasing muscle strength. If you’re new to yoga, you can start slow by following free online videos for beginners. Some yoga studios have reopened, so it’s worth checking out your local options when you’re ready.

Get a massage

The pandemic has caused stress for many, whether it’s due to losing a job, self-isolating alone, or dealing with household conflict. One great way to relieve tension is by booking a massage or even treating yourself at home to CBD lotion to help relieve tense muscles. Spending some time massaging or applying lotion to tense areas of your body will help you de-stress and feel great.

Preparing to head back out into the world as restrictions lift can be exciting, especially if you’ve spent a long time self-isolating. From getting some new clothes to eating healthier and exercising more, use these tips to look and feel great—even if you play to stay close to home.

Does your skincare regimen need a re-boot? Shop Reign Together to find face masks, massage oil, and daily moisturizer to soothe and revitalize your skin.
